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Animal's Wired World v8.1

Rants and Raves about Movies, TV, Politics, and Current Events.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Is this blog abandoned?

Hum, that is a great question. I don't know. I guess it is somewhat, seeing as how for the past year I haven't updated at all.

However, I keep thinking to myself, and I know it's myself because I can tell from the voice in my head, I say self, you should get a decent blog going.

But then, you know, I think about all the cool techie stuff I would love to try, and work on, etc. But then the reality is, I just have too much going on all the time. Moving onto an acreage has been lots of work, and work that I might add that I am currently enjoying.

So, it's one of those things, to blog, or not to blog! Similar to getting in shape, I'd love to, if I could just find the time.

Oh, sure, then I can here those of you now thinking to yourself, "Well, you have to make the time." blah blah blah. Thanks, like I haven't heard that before. You might be happy to know, that I do believe in making the time, but it just so happens that I make time for other stuff in my life instead.

So, perhaps I'll be back to blogging, or maybe I won't. Don't really know right now. I'm at one of those times in my life where I'm not sure of the direction I'd like things to go. Things are not paining me enough to change, so, I'm riding it out. Stay tuned, perhaps another enty will happen before I die.

Posted by Lyle A Bryant @ 5:37:00 PM


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