Rants and Raves about Movies, TV, Politics, and Current Events.
Thursday, June 17, 2004
Time for a FUCKIN rant!! Canadian Politics - Part I
Hi Everyone,
What a fuckin joke, who reads this shit anyway? It's not like my blog is the dullest blog in the world, someone already has one, http://www.wibsite.com/wiblog/dull/. But of course, that one is funny. Oh well, time to rant.
So, what the fuck? Can you believe this Canadian election shit or what? Sure sure, the American election is also happening this summer and is consuming a lot of headlines, but after watching just a bit of the debates this week for the four Canadian parties, all I have to say is...
OK, so the Liberal party has really done a nice job of fuckin things up with the voters. Sure, the sponsorship scandal was bad, so was the gun registry, but come on, if we kick out the Liberals, do you really want to look at the other options?
Dumb Ass Option #1
Let's see, there's the Slick Frenchie from Quebec, Gil 'The Weasel' Dusep. Umhum, The Bloc can only possibly get 47 seats, so they won't even be the opposition. I mean really Quebec, wake the fuck up. You're already distinct, do you really want to seperate from Canada when most of the world is trying to come together?
Dumb Ass Option #2
Now that's easy, if Gil is #1, then Jack 'Fuck Stick' Layton is without a doubt #2. Come on people, do you really want a leader who keeps sticking his foot in his mouth? I mean I come from a working class neighborhood and almost everyone there voted NDP. But really, that guy keeps letting stupid shit out of his mouth at least once a week, and then has to "clarify", "clear up", or "put it into perspective". Fuck Off. I'm surprised the NDP members haven't linched him already. Which of course leads us to...
Dumb Ass Option #3
Stephen "I'm just a sheep" Harper. So, as of this writing, the new ...??? What the fuck is that party called now anyway? New Conservative Party of Canada, New Reform, Reform, PC's, of who fuckin cares. They took on the blue and white colors, but conservative in their name, and Canadians are stupid enough to forget where these fuckin yahoos came from. Only a year ago these jokers had candidates stepping in shit every fuckin day. I mean come on. What kinda fuckin red necks signed up to be candidates? Racists, Gay-Bashing, Two-Tiered healthcare, War loving freaks!!! Come on people, Stephen Harper is doing the old wolf in sheeps clothing routine. Even during the debate last night he was so calm, cool, and collected, it was a little scary.
Oh, I can't wait to see the kinda fuckin government we get stuck with after June 28th. I think we can really put this one on Paul Martin's head. Or maybe we should just string him up for calling an election this year. He should have waited. He thought the Canadian public was going to forgive and forget far too soon. Sure, like most voters, time makes them forget, but please, it's not time that's the problem. They are too stupid to figure out the ramifications of kicking out the Liberals.
Government Option #1
Let's see, we could have a minority Liberal government, which in my opinion would be the best result. Punishment for their stupid shit, and a good clean up your act message. But those kinda governments fight too much and never get shit done. And they are too easily defeated and then we are back to another election.
Government Option #2
Minority government between The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing and The French Seperatist Party. Oh please. Like anyone would get any real work accomplished under that kind of leadership.
Government Option #3
NDP - HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH. Never happen. Fuck, the Green Party might stand a better chance this year.
So, there you go. Sure the political landscape is a barren wasteland this year. But everyone still needs to get their ass out there and vote. I always have, and certainly will continue to do so. Otherwise, how can I bitch about the government if I don't vote?
So, I've been on a bit of a movie binge lately. Tonights feature, 1990's Total Recall.
Man, I enjoy that movie. Good story, classic Arnie, and pretty good special effects considering the year it came out. And of course, it is based on a Philip K. Dick short story.
Of course my favorite PKD story is probably Blade Runner, but almost everything by him is great. And have you seen Imposter? That was another good movie but it kinda passed under the rader.
Which do you like? Let me know by leaving me a comment or tagging the tag board.
Van Helsing - not a bad movie (if you know what to expect)
So, last week in Saskatoon, I had a chance to head out to a movie after class. Big choice when your on the road, be alone in your hotel room watching the boob tube or be alone in a movie theatre watching a flick you've been meaning to see.
And that's what I did, after class last Wednesday, I went over to the Cineplex Odeon theatre and checked out Steven Sommers - Van Helsing. Now, I've always been a fan of the Universal Moster Collection. I mean, what movie geek wouldn't be? Dracula, the Wolfman, Frankenstein, et al.
So when I heard about this movie I thought, cool. Van Helsing would be a good concept that could revist these great old monsters. But then the preview came out and I wasn't so sure anymore. My fears were pretty similar to many other genre movies or tv shows, someone is putting too many villians into the mix. I mean, come on, Dracula, the Wolfman, and Frankenstein all in the same movie at the same time?
Well, since I've been on the road so much, almost everyone in my regular movie group had already seen it. And they pretty much dumped on the movie. So, it was great, my expectations had really been lowered.
And I came out liking the movie for what it was. On the very positive side, the production value, special effects, and shots are just beautiful. I mean those castle shots, the full moon shots, it was NICE!!! Jack and Kate also filled their roles pretty well.
On the negative side, I thought the story was too complicated. And the movie wasn't a horror movie, but rather, an action movie. Which explains why so many monsters were incorporated into one film. As an action movie, it certainly does deliver. Lots of things go on, but perhaps that is just the problem. Too many things going on, and very little suspense. In fact, the movie doesn't even keep you guessing really.
So, overall I liked Van Helsing as an action movie. Although, any thought of a long running franchise has probably been dashed by the backlash from the audience.
You know my biggest question? When the fuck is hollywood going to figure out that setting audience expectation is critical to the success of their movies? You know that many of today's trailers don't manage the expectations properly. I mean, how many trailers bill a film as a comedy, but then you go to see it and think, that wasn't really a comedy!!
Case in point. One of my most favorite films, Bicentennial Man was billed as a comedy by all of the trailers shown. And when people walk in expecting a comedy and instead get a Sci-Fi master piece, they leave fealing pissed off, jilted, or even cheated. But hey wait a minute, this film is based on the works of Issac Asimov. It can't be that bad can it? Often seeing a film a second time helps put it into better perspective.
So, there you have it Van Helsing is really good as an action movie, but because of the history and previous genre classifications of the principals within, the movie doesn't click with audience expectations.
Let me know if you agree or disagree with this point of view. Leave me a comment, or feel free to tag the board.
God, what has my life become? I'm so swamped in work that I can't even post to my blog? Sad, very sad isn't it? Well, if you are wondering why and what I have been doing, let me briefly fill you in.
First, I thought it very important to try and see all of the major airports across the prairie provinces.
Second, I thought staying in a different hotel every week for two months would be loads of fun.
Third, I thought my family, my life, and my home was really overrated so going on a Western Canada Spring Roadshow was just what I needed.
Well, let me tell you, NOT!!! Bulllll Shitttt!!!!
It seems the reason I did all this is because the training industry has taken off again this year, Microsoft saw fit to give away training, and my boss decided that additional certified training resources were not really required.
So, I've been teaching on the road since the beginning of May. I have been home for a total of two weeks since then, flying home Friday night and leaving again on Sunday. I still have two more weeks to go, but now the courses are easy, and I had a couple of days excellent rest at home.
So, on another note I noticed that Blogger has had some serious upgrades since I've been away. I'll guess I'll have to review my template and see if I can enhance some shit. Now, I can't figure out if anyone will notice my lastest post. If you have, tell me, would you like some rants? Or some movie postings? Let me know in either my comments section, or my tagboards!!